Social Media Training Wiki Building Momentum
In the days since my last update on the social media training wiki (on December 19), I’ve noticed a shift in momentum.
Compared to the previous 10-day period:
- Site visits and page views are up by over 800%
- Bounce rate is down 12%
- Unique visitors are up over 750%
- Average time on site is up almost 50%
- Site membership has grown by over 130%
- Two well-respected bloggers posted positive reviews of the site.
Shel Holtz wrote a thoughtful post entitled "One-stop shop for social media training," saying:
…the site has all the markings of a great tool for the communications industry. All it needs is your efforts (and mine) to populate it with the content it needs to be a comprehensive resource.
Yesterday, Lee Hopkins wrote another good piece:
Joining the community of contributors is easy — just register and begin to add content. Joining is made even easier if you have an OpenID profile, which you should have (more info about OpenID here).
This initiative by Dave Fleet deserves to become as profoundly useful as the great Constantin Basturea’s NewPR wiki.
The traffic figures are relative, of course, but this is still a significant trend for the better. Reflecting back to my short-term objectives for the site:
More than double the number of site members by the end of January 2008[completed]- Double the number of contributions by the end of January 2008
- No existing pages with content placeholders by the end of January 2008.
We’re one objective down, two more to go.
Next step – let’s get this content started.