Disagree With Me

One of the reasons I write so frequently here is that I love reading your take on things.

Sometimes I’ll write about things I know something about; other times I’ll write about things I’m not so sure about. Regardless, the most rewarding part is reading the comments (even if they have been slow recently – Twitter seems to be replacing commenting for a lot of people, but that’s a topic for another day… and I value them both).

Sometimes I get people here who strongly disagree with me. Often, other people tell me to stop interacting with those people as “I’ll never win.”

Here’s the thing: I don’t aim to “win.”

Every day I look forward to seeing comments on my posts so that I can learn. When I respond, I hope that the other person learns something too, even if it’s just a different perspective. I don’t need to “win” each disagreement.

I learn the most when people disagree with me. It makes me reconsider my thinking. It forces me to remember that the world isn’t black and white; it’s shades of grey. As long as the person stays within my commenting policy, I welcome disagreement.

For me, the worst possible reaction to a post is silence.

So please, if you read something on here and you think I’m way off target, please tell me. I’ll learn, maybe you’ll learn, and we both win.

It’s not wrong to disagree here. I welcome it.

Dave Fleet
Managing Director and Head of Global Digital Crisis at Edelman. Husband and dad of two. Cycling nut; bookworm; videogamer; Britnadian. Opinions are mine, not my employer's.