My 2012 Reading Challenge: 36 Books
For the last two years I’ve set myself a challenge – one I adopted from Julien Smith – to read at least 26 books per year. That’s one every two weeks.
In 2010 I managed 26 books; last year I managed 32.
Stand-out books for me last year included:
- Fiction:
- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- A Game of Thrones Series (4-Book Set)
- The Book of Lost Things
- The Last Ringbearer
- Non-Fiction:
- Workarounds That Work
(here’s my review)
- Game-Based Marketing
- Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management
(review coming soon)
- Brand Turnaround: How Brands Gone Bad Returned to Glory and the 7 Game Changers that Made the Difference
(review coming soon)
- Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy
(review coming soon)
- Content Rules
(here’s my review)
- The Social Customer: How Brands Can Use Social CRM to Acquire, Monetize, and Retain Fans, Friends, and Followers
(here’s my review)
This year, I’m shooting for 36.
I’m looking forward to getting stuck into a bunch of books that have been on my “to read” list for a while – books like Humanize, Predictably Irrational
, Here Comes Everybody
, Empowered
, Social Media ROI
and the The Hunger Games Trilogy
What books have you enjoyed recently, and what are you looking forward to reading?
(Image: kwerfeldein on Flickr)