Expand Your Twitter Network With Two New Services

Finding interesting people to follow is one of the biggest challenges for new Twitter users. It really helps to have people there whenever you log on, to answer questions, solve problems and generally communicate with. Without a community to participate in, posting to Twitter can be like a tree falling in a forest.

Two tools came to my attention recently that aim to help people with this problem.

Twits Like Me

Twits Like MeTwits Like Me looks at your ‘tweets’ and finds other people who write about the same things as you.

The service was created by Mahalo software engineer Chris Finke.

It’s been around for almost a year but flew under my radar until today.


Twubble Twubble takes another approach. It looks at who your friends follow (your “friend graph” as it calls it) and suggests new people based on how many follow each of them.

Twubble was created by Bob Lee, a software engineer at Google, who works on the Android project.

Which Works Better?

Personally I’ve found that Twubble has thrown up more relevant results so far. However, that could be attributable to the fact that my Twitter messages have been pretty eclectic over the last day or two, and not focused on particular topics.

In general, I suspect that the tool you prefer (if you use either) will come down to personal preference and how you like to use Twitter. Are you looking to make connections within a particular network, or to meet people with similar interests? Of course, these worlds may overlap but in my mind this helps to differentiate the tools.

Which of these services do you prefer? Do you find them useful at all?

You can connect with me on Twitter here.

Dave Fleet
Managing Director and Head of Global Digital Crisis at Edelman. Husband and dad of two. Cycling nut; bookworm; videogamer; Britnadian. Opinions are mine, not my employer's.