
Criticism is Good

Yesterday I published a post (ok, fine, a rant) about people who sling unconstructive criticism at others and the effect...

Armchair Quarterbacks: Don’t Be That Troll

A quick thought (or ten) for anyone who is thinking about armchair-quarterbacking someone else’s PR or social media execution without...

How To Engage On Sites Using Facebook’s New Commenting Plugin

Facebook recently introduced a new version of its Facebook Comment Box Plugin, allowing website owners to integrate their commenting functionality...

A New Approach

A New Approach

A large part of what we do for many digital clients involves managing content and community for their online properties....

Are Spammers Getting Smarter?

Are Spammers Getting Smarter?

If your blog gets any remotely significant amount of traffic, you’ve probably experienced problems with comment spam. Right now, I...

Be Wrong

Be Wrong

I’m going to take a guess and say that around 5-10% of what I write on this site misses the...

Disagree With Me

Disagree With Me

One of the reasons I write so frequently here is that I love reading your take on things. Sometimes I’ll...

Fast-Tracking to Twitter

Fast-Tracking to Twitter

Back in February I mused about the apparent greater willingness of companies to sign up for Twitter than to start...

Retweets Welcome

Retweets Welcome

Mitch Joel says ““I’ll tweet that” is the ultimate insult.”  The gist of Mitch’s argument is that “tweeting” takes almost...

Who Are You Online?

Who Are You Online?

Who are you when you’re online? Are you yourself, or are you someone else? I had a conversation with my...

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