case studies

Objectives First

Objectives First

A while back I wrote a series of posts on communications planning. One of the most popular posts within that...

Capturing Canada’s Social Media Case Studies

Capturing Canada’s Social Media Case Studies

Dave Jones, the man behind the PR Works blog, the Shill podcast and (when he remembers) the Inside PR podcast,...

Case Study: Using Social Media On A Small Scale To Raise Money For Charity

Case Study: Using Social Media On A Small Scale To Raise Money For Charity

I’m a fanatical runner. I’m not particularly talented, but my dedication to my training enabled me to qualify for the...

Case Studies? Anyone?

Case Studies? Anyone?

For all the talk of openness, transparency and community in social media, there’s one thing missing. Case studies. Social media...

AlertMap: Cutting-Edge Emergency And Disaster Information Tool

AlertMap: Cutting-Edge Emergency And Disaster Information Tool

If you’re even remotely interested in emergency information, check out AlertMap. This disaster-focused mashup pulls together data from some 600...

CaseCamp Toronto 6 Write-Up

CaseCamp Toronto 6 Write-Up

Case Camp Toronto 6, held tonight, featured a series of fascinating presentations. I live-tweeted the event, along with Joseph Thornley...