
Conflicted About

Conflicted About

Browsing through my Google Reader feed this evening, a story in the New York Times caught my eye. The story...

Foursquare’s Potential For Hyper-Local Marketing

Foursquare’s Potential For Hyper-Local Marketing

In recent weeks, I’ve become fascinated with the location-based social network Foursquare. While I’ve been using location-based apps on my...

The Huge Potential Of Location-Based Apps

The Huge Potential Of Location-Based Apps

The growth of smart phones – from a consumer perspective, the iPhone in particular but also Blackberries – has really...

When Search Can Make Or Break You

When Search Can Make Or Break You

It’s hard to argue nowadays that search isn’t important. It’s not often, though, that you see a real-world product completely...

Where The Personal Brand Falls Short

Where The Personal Brand Falls Short

The concept of the “personal brand” is still quite controversial. Not in whether it’s possible to build a significant personal...

Five Things PR Folks Can Learn About Social Media From Advertising

Five Things PR Folks Can Learn About Social Media From Advertising

We in the public relations industry seem to love to look down upon those on the advertising side of the...

Walk The Walk

Walk The Walk

After attending Wired Wednesday in Toronto tonight, I had the pleasure of having dinner with Saul Colt and Rayanne Langdon from...

The Lines Are Blurring

The Lines Are Blurring

The lines between public relations, marketing and advertising are blurring. This likely won’t be news to anyone who has followed...

Are You Remembering Your Target Audience?

Are You Remembering Your Target Audience?

When you come up with a communications plan or a cool new initiative, do you think about your target audience or do you focus on the bright shiny ideas?

ROI: Why Social Media Will Grow

ROI: Why Social Media Will Grow

If you haven’t seen this video from Gary Vaynerchuk, well, you need to. Gary eloquently explains why advertising in traditional...

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