
Why Paying Bloggers For Posts Changes The Game

There’s been a lot of debate back and forth around bloggers (generally mommy bloggers, although they’re certainly not the only...

5 Take-Aways on Social Media and Politics

5 Take-Aways on Social Media and Politics

Discussion around my recent post on some alleged unethical social media use during Toronto’s mayoral election got me thinking around...

The Biggest Challenge Digital Communicators Face

The Biggest Challenge Digital Communicators Face

Let’s chat about the biggest challenge I think digital communicators on the agency side face nowadays. It’s not measurement It’s...

Digital Communications Conversations Continue To Evolve

Digital Communications Conversations Continue To Evolve

The maturation of the conversation about social media-driven PR continues. As the “digital communications” industry (read: somewhere in the intersection...

Interview: Aaron Goldman – Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned From Google

Interview: Aaron Goldman – Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned From Google

Aaron Goldman is the author of Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned From Google (affiliate link). Before declaring free...

Writing – Critical For Communicators, But It’s Not Everything

Writing – Critical For Communicators, But It’s Not Everything

Liam Fitzpatrick wrote a  controversial post earlier this month, saying that he thought writing skills are over-rated for communicators: “To...

A Dark Future For Journalism – The Editorial/Ad Wall Is Down

A Dark Future For Journalism – The Editorial/Ad Wall Is Down

Several weeks ago we received a presentation from a major Canadian newspaper publisher entitled “New Approach to Media Relations for PR...

Seven Reasons Your Company Needs To Prepare For Crises

Seven Reasons Your Company Needs To Prepare For Crises

Does your company have a communications plan for when it gets hit by a crisis? Chances are, you don’t. Time...

Evolving the Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

Evolving the Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

In January this year I put forward my thoughts on the social media marketing ecosystem in which we operate in...

Do The Old Timing Rules Still Apply For Media Relations?

Do The Old Timing Rules Still Apply For Media Relations?

When I first got into media relations, a few pitching best practices were hammered into my head on a regular...

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