public relations

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Four theories on the declining trust in Canadian social media

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending my seventh Edelman Trust Barometer launch event in Toronto. This year’s results are...

Don't write like a zombie

15 top tips for a successful PR career

Here are 15 top tips for success in a public relations career.

Trust in 2012: 4 Implications for Social Media

Edelman recently released the results of its 2012 Trust Barometer survey. Given the events of the last year, it’s hardly...

Two Ways To Quickly Improve Your Communications Plans

I’ve worked in communications for a while now, and one thing I’ve noticed — consistently — is that the same...

Newsflash: PR is Not Easy, Cheap or Quick

As I continue to work towards my challenge of reading 26 books in 2011  (an aside: I’m up to 18...

Is Share of Voice a Useless PR Metric?

This is a guest post by my Edelman colleague Rob Clark Sometimes you say a word too many times in a...

Yeah, Well Your Agency Is Killing Unicorns

Daniel Stein recently wrote an attention-grabbing post over at Digiday entitled “HypeBusters: PR Agencies Are Ruining Facebook.” His basic argument:...

Trust Barometer Reveals Need For Mature Social Media

Yesterday I was privileged to attend the Toronto launch of the Canadian results of Edelman’s 2011 Trust Barometer survey with...

Your Brainstorms Suck

Your Brainstorms Suck

Brainstorms are one of the most fun parts of the communications planning process. You get to remove restrictions from your...

Are You Ready If Wikileaks Targets You?

Wikileaks creator Julian Assange has announced that his site is now going to begin to focus on businesses. Apparently the...

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