
Courtyard Restaurant In Ottawa – Doing It Right

Courtyard Restaurant In Ottawa – Doing It Right

Warning – I’m about to talk about my dinner. Bear with me – there’s a point… Ever had one of...

Evolving the Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

Evolving the Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

In January this year I put forward my thoughts on the social media marketing ecosystem in which we operate in...

The 2010 Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

The 2010 Social Media Marketing Ecosystem

Forrester Research analyst Sean Corcoran recently posted an insightful breakdown of some of the differences between owned media, paid media...

Six Ways To Silo-Bust Your Communications

Six Ways To Silo-Bust Your Communications

We’re into “2010 prediction season, and there are plenty of social media buzzwords being thrown around.” “Real-time,” “location-based,” “convergence” and...

Social Media: Anti-Social, Or An Opportunity For Influence?

Social Media: Anti-Social, Or An Opportunity For Influence?

“Are sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube making it easier for customers to hate you?” This was the question posed...

Think Media, Not Medium

Think Media, Not Medium

I just downloaded the audiobook version of Mitch Joel‘s book “Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business...

Mainstream Media Still Matters

Mainstream Media Still Matters

It’s easy to jump on the “mainstream media is dead” bandwagon. Journalists are jumping ship, outlets are fragmenting and readership...

Your Social Media Presence Needs Substance, Not Just Style

Your Social Media Presence Needs Substance, Not Just Style

“Twitter” isn’t a communications strategy. It isn’t even a social media strategy. As a company, having a Twitter account doesn’t...

Do People Really Care About PR Disclosure? And Why It Still Matters

Do People Really Care About PR Disclosure? And Why It Still Matters

Do people really care about disclosure by PR agencies when it comes to activities for their clients? I don’t mean...

Interactive or Engaged?

Interactive or Engaged?

(This is a guest post by Valerie Merahn Simon. For more about Valerie, check out her bio at the end...

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