
Objectives First

Objectives First

A while back I wrote a series of posts on communications planning. One of the most popular posts within that...

3 Steps To Better Objectives

3 Steps To Better Objectives

“Increase sales” isn’t a good objective. Neither is “increase web traffic,” or “increase awareness,” or “more customers.” Why? Because you...

“We Should Do Something In Social Media”

“We Should Do Something In Social Media”

Every so often a client (or potential client) will come to us and say something like, "We think we should...

How To Write A Good Communications Plan – Part 5 – Objectives

How To Write A Good Communications Plan – Part 5 – Objectives

As the old saying goes, you need to know where you're going before you can know how to get there. Likewise, before you can plan out your strategy... before you even start to think about your media products or event... you need to nail down your objectives.