blogger relations

Valuable PR Advice From Chris Brogan

Valuable PR Advice From Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan has posted some excellent advice for PR pros working in the digital space entitled “What I Want PR...

Molson Gives A Crash Course In Relationship-Building

Molson Gives A Crash Course In Relationship-Building

Every so often you see something that makes you sit up and think, “wow, these guys are on the ball.” I saw that from the folks over at Molson this week.

Metallica Update: Post ‘Em All

Metallica Update: Post ‘Em All

A quick update on the Metallica situation - as I wondered in my earlier post about the Metallica/blogger review situation, it looks like this was a giant mis-communication that blew up in the band's face.

Metallica: …And Censorship For All

Metallica: …And Censorship For All

Metallica has done it again. Forget going after people pirating their music; this time they've gone after people writing about it... after inviting them to hear it.

Enough With Blogger Strategies!

Enough With Blogger Strategies!

I worry about people launching headlong into ill-advised, poorly thought-out initiatives, getting burned and not coming back for more, just because it's the 'in' thing to do.

RichardatDell Visits Third Tuesday Toronto

RichardatDell Visits Third Tuesday Toronto

Richard Binhammer, aka RichardatDell, will speak at a Third Tuesday Toronto (which I’m quickly realizing is possibly the most arbitrary...

Using Social Media To Create Social Media Training

Using Social Media To Create Social Media Training

Communications training courses on traditional strategies and tactics just don’t cut it any more. The ever-increasing rate of change on...

Public Relations Professionals Need To Get The Basics Right

Public Relations Professionals Need To Get The Basics Right

In the wake of the ongoing bad PR pitches storm, I had a *slap forehead* moment this week when I...

PR Squared’s Blogger Relations Bookmark

PR Squared’s Blogger Relations Bookmark

Todd Defren posted a great Blogger Relations Bookmark on his PR Squared blog today. The bookmark is, in part, a...

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